Upgrading from rtMedia 3.7.x to 3.8

This upgrade guide applies if you have overridden rtMedia template files or created custom themes or plugins using rtMedia plugin hooks/filters.

In rtMedia 3.8, we made changes to the following template files. Use rtMedia templates from buddypress-media ->templates folder and override with your existing templates under theme folder. Make sure to cross check and diff the code.

  • /media/album-gallery-item.php
  • /media/album-gallery.php
  • /media/album-single-edit.php
  • /media/media-gallery-item.php
  • /media/media-gallery.php
  • /media/media-single-edit.php
  • /media/media-single.php
  • /upload/uploader.php

Markup Changes

We have removed foundation from rtMedia code. The rtp-foundation-js handler is no more in rtMedia code. If you want to continue with foundation, then you must need to include your own foundation files and do required changes.

Following CSS classes introduced

  • rtm-load-more it used in pagination on media gallery.
  • rtm-media-options-list used in rtMedia options under media gallery section.
  • rtm-tabs for all the tabs provided by rtMedia plugin.
  • rtm-media-type-XXX class added on media-single.php (where xxx is media type audio/video/image)

If you have any questions, feel free to use our free support forum.